Win Casino Lemonade T-shirts

As you probably have seen the last few months we are offering T-shirts bearing the image of Maxim for all the 50 who have signed up and the best comments posted on our Facebook page.
To be frank, we have not been overwhelmed by the quality of comments, so feel free to try your luck by leaving a message on our wall; we know we are indulgent and generous.
However, the number of registrants has grown at Casino Lemonade.
Our stock of T-shirts is coming to an end; we decided to order a new edition.
Indeed, we offered an average a t-shirt per week for three months under the new entries and a dozen more for the comments on our Facebook page.
Our first round was 50; the rest was distributed to friends and partners. So if you also want to show off by wearing Maxim attitude, go to our registration form or on our Facebook page.