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When pigeons enjoy slot machines


During a random internet-browsing session, I have discovered the results of some funny study from the scientists of the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
In their lab, these thorough scientists had the weird idea to have pigeons play on a sort of slot machine.
The results seem to indicate that even birds can be compulsive gamblers.
The test was very simple.
In order to get food pellets, 8 pigeons can peck at either of two levers, one with horizontal lines and one with vertical lines on it.
The first one offers some kind of jackpot 20% of the time, which gives out 10 pellets in one go.
On the other hand, 80% of the time nothing happens.
The lever with horitontal stripes, on the other hand offers a secure 3 pellets every time.
Among the 8 pigeons which have been tested, 6 chose to use the jackpot lever several times, despite the fact that if they had used the other, they would have gained 50% extra pellets.
But, as you know full well, it would not have been as much fun.
To end this article on a high note, I invite you to try out a small selection of slot machines themed around birds.

Cashanova Amazon Wild Chicken Little What a Hoot
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