Uruguayan casino operators question the legality of online gambling

Online gambling websites are supposed to be banned in Uruguay.
However, several websites have established themselves in the country, even from within the borders of the country.
This is why the National Union of Workers in Casinos (FENAJU) and the National Association of Casinos of the state came together to write an open letter to the Uruguayan Economy Minister.
With this document, they ask for legal clarification about the online gambling platforms that are operating from within the country’s borders.
Standards need to be applied
According to the open letter, several online gambling rooms are operating from within the free economic zones that are spread across the country.
However, according to the law they are supposed to be banned. Consequently, the National Union of Workers in Casinos (FENAJU) and the National Association of Casinos in the country want to know what standards are being applied by the authorities.
Additionally, they hope that online gambling will remain being considered illegal.
Their conclusion is based on the development of the Spanish market, and they fear that this sector may encourage gambling addiction.
About money laundering
In their open letter, the National Union of Workers of Casinos (FENAJU) and the National Association of Casinos in the state have also requested information about the procedures applied by the Ministry of Economy regarding the application of the laws against money laundering.
They declared that the sources of funds for these activities should be examined closely.
They also indicated that they had already spoken to the authorities about these matters but did not receive a response from their side.
For this reason they decided to publish this open letter.