Trial begins for the late announcements scam in the casino of Namur

We already talked about the casino of Namur in this post, which dealt with a tax fraud case that went on for over 20 years.
Recently the Belgian establishment has been in the news again, because of a scam that they suffered.
On Wednesday, April 23, a head waiter, four croupiers, and seven players found themselves in court.
They are accused of having cheated at roulette with the famous technique that is called ‘late announcements’.
As you know, when the dealer says: “No more bets”, the betting phase is over.
In this case however, the people involved made their beds afterwards.
The accomplice croupiers pretended that indeed, the players had bet on the right number.
In the bustle of the casino, no one noticed this scam.
All this happened between July and November 2009, and the small group managed to obtain nearly €90,000 with this fraud.
It was revealed by an anonymous phone call and finally unmasked, when the management watched the recordings of their surveillance cameras.
The trial of the suspects has started on April 23.
It continues every Wednesday, and is expected to last five weeks.