The success of illegal gambling in Switzerland

Illegal casinos have been multiplying in Switzerland for several years now. These establishments, which are becoming more and more successful, are owned by criminal gangs.
The legal casinos of the industry are concerned about these practices that imply a significant shortfall, especially as the penalties for this illegal activity are far from being a deterrent.
A high level
The market for illegal gambling in Switzerland is undergoing a major crackdown.
However, the amounts seized are usually quite low.
Especially in this year only 140,000 Swiss francs were confiscated while according to the Swiss Federation of Casinos, these illegal activities generate a turnover of more than 150 million francs.
100 million francs that are spent in casinos abroad should also be added to this figure.
Additionally, all the bets made on the internet should not be neglected either.
The shortfall of gaming revenues in the Swiss casinos is now proving to be very significant.
Mainly in the cantons of Solothurn and Zurich
For now, the cantons of Solothurn and Zurich are the most concerned areas about the proliferation of illicit gambling rooms.
We are not talking about unreported small poker tournaments.
No, the amounts involved often reach a very high figure.
During a recent raid, police discovered an illegal organisation operating an online casino that reported an average revenue of 3.2 million Swiss francs per month.
Relatively low risks
It must be recognised that such revenues can be very tempting, especially when knowing that in these cases the courts do not impose more than one year prison sentence and a fine of one million Swiss francs.
Organised crime has understood that the involved risks were not very severe.
This is the reason why illegal gaming rooms are multiplying.
According to estimates, during this year more than 94 have already opened.
A worried industry
This situation is a great concern for the legal casinos.
In fact, these illegal establishments gradually dominate the market of a sector that is already challenged by the international economic crisis.
The gross gaming revenues of the casinos has already dropped by 27% between 2007 and 2013.
Last year they even fell below the level of 2004.