The new plan of the Czech Republic against illegal websites

The Czech Republic has liberalised their online gambling sector.
They regularly issue licences for operators to legally offer these services.
Nevertheless, there are still online casinos on this market that never received any official permission to offer their services.
As a result, the country’s authorities now want to remove these illegal service providers as soon as possible.
They are currently in the process of increasing the pressure exerted on unlicensed online gambling websites that continue to target Czech Internet users.
The ministry of finance has just revealed a new plan to fight against illegal operators, who, according to latest estimates, cost the state more than 70 million euros per year in lost tax revenues.
A project that worries online casinos operating without a licence
The unlicensed online gambling websites in the Czech Republic that continue to offer their services in the country are worried about the announcement of the new plan.
They are now trying to get legal advice in order to really understand what the coming changes will actually change for them.
These operators will have to determine if it is worthwhile to pay the tax or whether it is better to simply withdraw from the Czech gaming market.
The new regulation
When the new plan will become effective, one of the conditions for obtaining a gaming licence in the Czech Republic will be to have a physical presence in the country as well.
However, the government announced their intention to amend this clause to allow companies to obtain the licence with getting an official permission to not meet this requirement.
This should enable most remote gaming operators to obtain a licence anyways.
They will still have to pay a tax, which is also not to very high, and this might give an incentive to most companies that are trying to legally enter the market.