Singapore may never surpass Las Vegas

In this article, we announced to you that the legendary Las Vegas had been surpassed by Macao, in terms of revenue generated by the local casino industry.
We also concluded that Singapore could soon steal second place from the Nevada city.
However, this has not yet happened.
Despite a 3.8% increase in gaming revenue in 2013, the two casinos of the Asiatic archipelago only brought in 6.077 billion dollars, an amount that does not allow Singapore to outdistance Las Vegas’s 6.5 billion dollars.
Whatever happens, the two markets remain far behind Macao with its 45.2 billion dollar revenue in 2013.
According to many experts, Singapore may not overtake Las Vegas in the end.
The city-state’s two casinos have seen their revenue from average players stagnate; only revenue from VIP players continues to grow.
As a result, the mass market seems to have entered into a period of stability and the big player market may not be as strong as it is in Macao.
It will probably not be enough for Singapore to surpass Las Vegas.