Russia plans to open casinos in Crimea

Crimea is a much talked about place at the moment, following the proclamation of its independence from the Ukraine and its annexation to Russia.
This subject should now also interest the amateur casino player that lies within each one of us.
In fact, Russian officials are currently working on a proposal to create a gaming area with casino hotels on the Crimean peninsula.
Nothing is official at the moment, but it seems that senior officials met with the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak on March 21 to consider such a bill.
Rumours even claim that the ministers of economy, finance and regional development have until April 15 to submit a plan for providing estimates of expenditure and revenue.
With creating this gaming area, Russia wants Crimea to be a less dependent region from the state budget.
According to some estimates, the peninsula could indeed have a deficit of about $1.5 billion this year, and Russia plans to cover this in full.