Player with multiple player accounts sentenced to 3 years of prison

A 35-year-old British man used fake ID papers to open multiple player accounts with an online casino in order to benefit several times from its bonus offer.
The trick made him win nothing less than £80,000 – i.e. almost €98,000.
Following a thorough investigation conducted jointly by the police and the Gambling Commission in the United Kingdom, the man has been arrested because of a false step on his part.
One day, he sent two passports with different names but identical photos to the same online casino, the second one just 12 minutes after the first. The cheating was immediately spotted by the staff.
After his arrest, the police found in his house 5,900 scans of identity cards coming from Europe, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
At the trial, the player pleaded guilty to the various charges brought against him.
He has been sentenced to three years in prison.