New law on legalisation of online gambling in Portugal soon before Parliament

Following the example of France, Italy and Spain, Portugal is currently working on a draft law for the legalisation of online gambling within their territory, as we previously talked about in this news article.
Postponed twice, the text has now been finalised by the Minister of Economy.
Luis Marques Guedes, Minister of the Presidency and Parliamentary Affairs has also indicated that the measure will be presented to the parliament before the summer recess, which begins on July 10th.
This news was also announced in the Portuguese financial and economy press.
According to experts who have read the draft, it is very similar to the laws adopted in Spain, France and Italy, and it seems to avoid the monopolistic structure that was originally planned.
The text also indicates the creation of a regulatory authority for the Portuguese online gambling market.
Responsibilities include deciding on applications and issuing licenses.