Moneybookers will Change its Name to Skrill

Moneybookers is one of the most used methods of transferring money in the world of online casinos, it will now be known as Skrill.
Nevertheless, the final change is not expected for now since it will be effective at the end of 2011.
Moneybookers customers can still use Skrill before, when it becomes available.
This payment method allows you to transfer money to anyone without providing your bank information, whether it is your card number, expiration date or any other details.
All your personal data will be stored in a secure environment without being shared with anyone.
There will be also a more complete customer service, which should keep us waiting a week on average.
The name change was decided to further characterize the means of payment in a market where competition is very strong.
Easy to remember, Skrill is the diminutive of Skrilla, an English slang word which means money.