IGB Affiliate Awards 2010

We are honoured to announce the nomination of Casino Lemonade in the category Best Casino Affiliate (in the Best Affiliate category) in the prestigious IGB Affiliate Awards. This award-giving ceremony will take place on January, 28th 2010 in London.
Frankly, there is nothing to boast about since to get nominated, we simply had to submit our candidacy on their website.
However, in order to win we need to be voted for by internet-users.
And that’s where you come into play.
We need you to go on the IGB Affiliate Awards website and vote for Casino Lemonade.
But be careful, it is not that easy: the IGBA has wished to complicate things with an interface that uses ingenious stratagems to lose you and make you believe your vote has been taken into account.
So here are the instructions you should follow carefully if you don’t want us to show on your doorstep and settle our different, if you catch my drift.
First of all, you need to fill in your name, company, email address and only tick Yes under Affiliate? if your are an affiliate. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you are not, so don’t tick it.
So far, so good.
Then, you need to click on the last link Best Affiliate, just above the Submit Votes button (whatever you do, don’t touch this button yet).
As you can see, a new menu appears.
The category we’re interested in is the second one, just below Best Affiliate, entitled Best Casino Affiliate.
Scroll down for Casino-lemonade.com in the menu below and select it.
Now you can click on the Submit votes button.
Well, when I say you can, I should probably say you should because it seems Maxim, our mascot, usually jolly and smiling, took this award business a little too far.
He allegedly threatened jury members, intimidated competitors and molest co-workers in an advanced drunken state.
In his madness, it seems he went so far as kidnapping the lovely Priscilla, a pin-up from the Letters to the editor department (the people who answer you when you email us), from which we haven’t heard any news in days.
We have found this poster everywhere on the streets of London.
Help us find Priscilla!
Vote for us!