First Russian casino to open in October 2013

At present, several projects to build huge casino complexes are under consideration.
We have mentioned some of these projects in previous posts, for example those that might be carried out in Madrid, Barcelona and in the Gard.
In October, another gambling mega-complex will be inaugurated in Siberia, in the Altai region, which is located at the borders with China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.
It will be the first legal casino in Russia.
Its construction began during the summer of 2012, in a special area that, by 2020, will house several more gaming establishments, as well as cinemas, sky runs, a water park and shopping malls.
It is Vladimir Putin himself who had approved the project back in 2006, when a link between gambling in Moscow and Georgian organised crime had been discovered.
As a result, his government proposed the creation of four gaming zones, whereas gambling would remain illegal in the rest of Russia.
The new mega-complex should boost the local economy, attracting large numbers of tourists and creating employment.
In order to encourage foreign investment, the government offered investors the opportunity to have leases lasting until, at least, 2025, as well as a tax rate on gross gaming revenues close to 0%.