A new casino complex in the Pacific

The Chinese investment company Alter City Group Holdings, that is based in Macau, has just signed a partnership with the Taiwanese company STJ Golden Island Investments in order to create a new gigantic casino complex.
It will be located in Tinian in the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific ocean.
The project has a budget of $300 million and will feature a hotel offering 1,000 rooms, a casino, a golf course, several villas and many other attractions.
To learn a little bit more about this news, I invite you to read the rest of this article about the new project.
A lease agreement for 152 hectares
For many years now we have seen that more and more money from the industry of brick and mortar casinos in Macao goes to the paradise islands in the Pacific Ocean.
We received another confirmation once again with the recent confirmation by the Altar City group Holdings, which has just bought a plot of land on Tinian in the Northern Mariana Islands to build a 1,000 room hotel-casino.
The Chinese Investor has asked the local government to lease a plot of 152 hectares that had been assigned to a gaming establishment of similar size of another operator, but it had never been built.
The authorities of the island Tinian are very interested in this project and support it.
They sent a petition request to the Legislative Assembly of the country for the lease to be approved as soon as possible.
A gaming licence that was obtained in 2012
The Alter City Group Holdings has no gaming license for Tinian.
However, their recent partner STJ Golden Island Investments is itself affiliated with a company that has one.
This company is called HW Golden Island Holdings.
It is a subsidiary of the Taiwanese construction giant called Howarm.
The company has proposed a number of investments linked to resorts on Tinian in the past.
In 2012, they obtained a gaming license from the local regulatory authority.
It is thanks to this document that the Chinese investor Alter City Group Holdings can build its new casino complex – that is, of course, if the lease is approved by the Legislative Assembly of the country.