A drunk player loses big in Las Vegas, and now attacks the casino

According to the laws in the State of Nevada, a casino is not allowed to let a visibly intoxicated person gamble. Referring to this regulation, a man is now suing Downtown Grand Las Vegas.
Like every year for the last 30 years, the man went to Sin City over the weekend of the Super Bowl.
This last time however, he drank too much alcohol and managed to lose $500,000 gambling.
He believes that the casino took advantage of his condition, and that they should have never let him bet that money in the first place, as the law stipulates.
According to the casino, the complaint has no grounds, and the man is simply trying to evade paying his debt.
It must be noted though, that the accusations are very serious.
The man not only claims, that the casino let him play drunk, but they also continued serving him drinks, and lending him money.
His condition was so serious, that he could not even count the value of the cards from his blackjack hands.
His version of the story is more credible than the casinos, as it is supported by surveillance videos, as well as some eye witnesses.
However, the directors of the Downtown Grand reject his claim.
They announced that they player is just trying to avoid paying his debt.