20 years of fraud at the Namur casino

Thanks to the global economic crisis and the smoking ban in public places, Belgian casinos are currently having to face huge difficulties, as we previously announced in this other news post.
When it comes to the Namur casino though, a further observation is needed.
It has come to our attention that several employees (from the director down to the croupiers) were involved in money fraud.
It has been observed that, between 1983 and 2004, the fraud has amounted to more than €50 million.
The simply structured set-up was also made possible by the intervention of several tax officers, who were pocketing €500 per month each.
Every night, at the time of counting the revenue of the casino, employees and tax officers would withdraw an amount of money of up to €2200 – and that’s on bad nights!
Sadly for the malicious officers and employees, the fraud has been exposed, and 49 people will appear before justice in a trial that will last until the end of the year with a rhythm of one hearing per week.